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Tuesday, May 19, 2009

old age and stress

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This stress can only be relieved by making them mingle with others and creating opportunities for them to use their skills and knowledge. There is no medicine. There are only remedies. The remedies are expressed care and created environment where they feel they belong and are wanted. These will make them spend their days happily.

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Stress - Old Age - Loneliness

Old age loneliness

The old are very much lonely. 

Loneliness is a depressor and killer. The first symptom of stress in old age due to loneliness seems to be talking loudly to no one in particular while walking or sitting alone. In the beginning they check themselves and some feel even ashamed and look around. But as days go by they do not even realize speaking out loudly while taking a walk or sitting alone.

They spend their time before the TV. The social web sites which engage these are said to give them some solace by getting them involved with faceless human beings. The many hours they spend before the computer is not equal to the few minutes of love and affection and smile from a near and dear one.

pets for the aged

'Unhousel'd, disappointed, unanel'd,

No reckoning made, but sent to my account' Hamlet Act I scene V
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