You can't run away from trouble. There ain't no place that far.—Uncle Remus
Stress is directly related to our ambitions, feelings, emotions and passions. So to remain calm even in adverse conditions and atmosphere is the best thing. To control one’s anger and not to get over attached to one’s children or parents, or to any possessions like house or business or material is another way to avoid the bad effects of stress. Dispossession, (to live without the use of things which we think we can not do without) is one way of training ourselves to be dispassionate and ready to meet adverse conditions.
Stress may affect us temporarily or permanently. It depends on how deep a person gets involved emotionally.
Getting angry or weeping may be the first reaction in many when things go wrong. For some this may appear in the form of headache developing into migraine later. A person may get this severe headache on the least mention or remembrance of the original incident-directly or indirectly even as in sun-migraine.
As written earlier, expectations bring about disappointments. The greater the former, the greater the latter. Disappointments may turn into dissatisfaction, frustration, disillusion, resulting in distress, turning into depression. All these start with the fast racing heart leading to chest pain and strokes. High pressure, the racing heart, pain in the chest are some related to heart and severe passion. Increased bile secretion and muscle tension are some other effects of tension and stress.
The need to concentrate and meet with a dead-line may cause many physical imbalances which include diarrhea or constipation, a hollow feeling in the chest, trembling in the lower extremities, and sweating even when in air-conditioned rooms. But these disappear when the work on hand comes to a pleasant end.
Living constantly in a stressed atmosphere may create weight loss and relationship problems. The person may be eating well or near ones may even say that the person is overeating but still the loss in weight may occur.
Some may get simple skin problems like eczema and some may develop allergy to certain things they have used regularly-eggs, fish, certain vegetables or even the smell of food. Nausea or vomiting may result.
Sleeplessness or insomnia is a dangerous symptom and should be immediately attended to.
But Stress is basically an emotion and ambition related problem. Everyone gets into stress now and then. So there is no escape from getting stressed. The escape lies with our attitude. Avoid the seven sins and one can live happily.
We have no right to ask when sorrow comes, "Why did this happen to me?" unless we ask the same question for every moment of happiness that comes our way. —Unknown
The above video shows how stress can change a person.
Video: You Tube

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